Sunday, March 15, 2009


Weekends are particularly difficult for me and I'm ashamed to say that this weekend I haven't logged my food.  :(  Yes, I'm hanging my head in shame, and there's no excuse for it.  I think that when Friday rolls around and I step on the scale I feel like I've made it through an entire week and deserve a "day off".  Unfortunately, one day off led to all weekend.  Part of it was the lack of groceries (which I remedied Saturday morning) but the biggest part of it is a bad (God bless my poor husband and children) case of PMS.  AND since it's Lent and I'm not eating sweets (my PMS craving), pasta or rice, I've filled up on other things trying to get through the cravings.  Thankfully, fruit is most often my weapon of choice but my bread intake is also up--I have to get those carbs somehow!!  

I'm still struggling with trying to find a good time to work out... with little luck.  Monday night soccer practice gives me a bit of extra "run around" time and I make sure I'm almost always moving at work so that helps a bit.  The good news (although we'll have to wait and see at the end of the week) is that I stepped on the scale this morning and was a full 2 pounds lighter than I was on Friday when I weighed in... if I can maintain that until Friday I'll be thrilled--it is the lightest I've ever been on Weight Watchers (counting that time before :).

Too bad lesson planning doesn't burn calories... oh wait, wouldn't matter!!

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