Monday, February 28, 2011


So yesterday I broke down and ate my 3rd dessert of the year.  No guilt and no cravings--the opportunity presented itself (I baked chocolate cheesecake squares for a thing at church) and I was told they turned out really well so I tried them... and they were  right!  I shared with the baby and since I'd (unintentionally) had no breakfast and ate a pretty light lunch, I figured, why not?  I'm happy to weigh tomorrow... I don't think I'm going to quite be out of the 170s as I'd hoped but I should be close.  Maybe a bunch of water and fiber today will do the trick!  :)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A long time

It's been a long time since 1, I have logged in and 2, have weighed. After two deaths in the family, a disappointing loss of the house, a 40 hour car trip in 5 days and lots of eating out/not sleeping, I am finally falling back into a routine.

I haven't weighed and I am not going to until Tuesday the 1st. I think that will allow me to be back to "normal" (whatever that means :)!).

I am failing miserably though. As a colleague told me yesterday, "I am a food addict" I am too a food addict. I think I need therapy. Maybe that is not such a bad idea since food is my emotional outlet.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Slow and Steady

It's weigh in day... and I'm down, which is good!  But the going is slow, which I guess is also good because it makes things easier to maintain...but it sure would be nice one of these weeks to see a big drop!
On a happy note, I made it through the chocolate holiday without consuming any!

On to the stats...

Feb. 15 Stats (original/new)               (this week/overall)

Weight:  182/176.4/174.2/172.6                       -1.6/-9.4
Waist:  34in/32.25in/32in/31                           -1/-3in
Hips:  46in/44.5in/44in/--                               --/-2in
Thighs:  R-- 28in/27in/26in/--                         --/-2in     
              L-- 27.5in/26.5in/25.5in/--               --/-2in
Chest: 39in/37.5in/36in/35                             -1/-4in  

If I'm going to meet my goal of being out of the 170's by the end of the month, I've got some serious work to do!! 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Emotions Run Hign

So, this past week has gone from jubilation to despair, to ho-hum..... I gained weight, I thought I bought a house, I lost the house, I got the house again, and now I am just waiting (not optimistically) for final word on the house. I found out that my family visit in 2 weeks is canceled due to the impending doom that my sister-in-law will lose her job. I have eaten quite well considering the emotional roller coaster. I also have changed my weigh in's to every other week so that I have a little more time etc and to keep the weighing from getting me do every week! :0).

Now, onto bigger and better things and hope that I am not homeless as of April 1st, as I got out of my lease 2 months early, because I thought I bought a house.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I lied.

I did not get to serve myself this weekend.  For the first time since I can remember, the kitchen staff served us.  All in all, I didn't do too bad.  They have very reasonable serving sizes and I didn't do any seconds or desserts.  Beyond that, it was a wonderful and much needed weekend off from everything that drives my daily life.  So, if I step on the scale Tuesday and the numbers aren't fabulous, I'd say it's a pretty good trade-off.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Out of Town

The hubby and I are going out of town this weekend.  The good news is we won't be eating in any restaurants... the bad news is we won't be preparing our food either.  We're headed to Laurel Ridge and staying at Higgins Lodge.  The kitchen staff prepares all the meals--which is awesome because I'll have nothing to do but enjoy the music conference we're going to but it will make controlling my portions more difficult.  At least I get to serve myself, so if I can force myself to put less on my plate than I think I can eat, I'll be in good shape.  AND I'm still deciding whether dessert #3 will be this weekend or whether I'd rather wait for another time... guess I'll wait and see what they're serving!  Wish me luck... next weigh in on Tuesday!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Well Well Well

Ok, so I weighed yesterday with Rachel, and somehow gained 5 pounds in week. I am not sure what my body is doing. I am upset! I hate this yo-yo effect and I don't know how to stop it! So, Rachel gave me a meal plan for 7 days, totally strict to see what happens. Here's hoping that something finally changes!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

It's Superbowl Sunday... so?

Nothing much to report.  We'll watch the Superbowl this evening at home and probably eat leftovers from dinner last night... so I don't have to worry about trying to be social and navigate around tons of finger foods swimming in grease and fat and sugar--the things that charm me most.  I've stayed on the water and am still nagging my other half to finish the office so I can regain my elliptical.  I've eaten pretty well and feel like I'm in the groove of this dieting thing, for now.  I know that somewhere around the corner temptation is waiting like bait to hook me and reel me in but until then I'll just keep doing what I'm doing since I'm seeing results.  When I stop seeing those results then I'll reassess and continue.  So, nothing profound today... just keeping on!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Even after....

A great weekend with food and drinks and everything I wasn't suppose to do, and I am now at 219... Yep, that's 3 lbs down in a week! Finally this thing may have been jump started! I haven't been measuring, although I should, but I am waiting patiently to fit into my size 16's comfortably, that is my goal by March 1st, not so much the scale but the jeans! That will hopefully get me below 210!!! Today is a good day!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Weigh-in #2

I knew going in to this morning that my numbers weren't going to be as big as they were on my last stat update.  I'm totally okay with that--as long as they go down.  AND... they did!  :)

Feb. 1 Stats (original/w.i. 1/new)               (this week/overall)

Weight:  182/176.6/174.2                           -2.4/-7.8
Waist:  34in/32.25in/32in                           -.25/-2in
Hips:  46in/44.5in/44in                              -.5/-2in
Thighs:  R-- 28in/27in/26in                         -1/-2in     
              L-- 27.5in/26.5in/25.5in               -1/-2in
Chest: 39in/37.5in/36in                             -1.5/-3in  

So not a huge weight loss but decent and I'm happy with the measurements.  I find it really hard to make sure I'm taking the measurements the same way every time but I think I'm getting better at it.  I'll forge ahead for another two weeks and see if we can break the barrier into the low 170's.  My goal is to say goodbye to the 170's forever by my March 1 weigh-in.  Also in my list of goals for this month is to EXERCISE... wish me luck!