Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the 13th

Is going to be a scary day foodwise and otherwise today since I have so much going on BUT at least I got to start it on a happy note!  I'm down another .8 this week which puts me smack dab in the middle of the 150's.  I have a feeling I'm going to get pretty sick of the 150's as it is traditionally the place where I come to a screeching weight-loss stop but I'm determined to persevere.  I think the problem, usually, is that I get here and I am fairly comfortable with how I look, my clothes are fitting or are on the big side and so I get lazy with my intake and with recording it all on WW.  So, my goal is to skip complacency and see if I can achieve a weight somewhere in the 140's.  My WW goal is officially 135... but honest to goodness, I've never been that thin and am not even sure I'm capable of it... but one thing at a time... on to the low 150's and then the 140's.

Wish me luck today with a staff luncheon, classroom snack (KK doughnuts, of course) and dinner out with the hubby--goodbye extra points!

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