Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It's Tuesday...

and I'm already tired.  The good news is it looks like I'm going to finish the day with 1 point left and I finished yesterday with 2.  I know all the rules about eating all your points but since I've already gone overboard more than once this week, I don't reckon it's going to kill me.

My six year old, the drama king, is currently yelling in my face and typing this blog while he reads it and tries to convince me he's "calmed down" is doing wonders for my mood... however, it is keeping my fingers busy and keeping me from killing him!

I need to exercise... I know I need to exercise and I've tried to convince myself to exercise a billion times since I've started this journey (not to mention the elliptical machine sitting in my living room taunting me), but I'm having a seriously hard time actually getting myself on the exercise bandwagon.  Part of the problem, I think, is that I've continuously lost weight and haven't exercised... but at some point it's going to become a necessity.  Maybe with all the "new" activities popping up around me, I'll keep myself busy enough to burn some extra calories without even noticing!!

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