Friday, April 17, 2009

As I expected...

the weight went up by more than a pound this week.  I hate it but I knew it... there was just a conjunction of "stuff" this week that meant I needed to work harder and instead fell into old ways.  Easter came (and went) and with it left my no sweets/pasta/rice time.  I didn't eat any rice this week and actually very little pasta but I gorged on the sweet stuff.  I avoided the WWonline site like the plague.  I have spent the week tired, overwhelmed, stressed and/or angry--all of which lead to my downfall AND my friend Flo has been visiting (thank heavens--last month it skipped altogether)... anyway, all that combined plus a severe lack of will power on my part left me heavier for the first time in a long time.

So, on to WW so I can begin this weight week off a bit better and at least log my food!

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