Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Love to WW and EB

It's hard to know who I love more at the moment... Weight Watchers or Eddie Bauer.  WW because it's been my road to losing weight or Eddie Bauer because I tried on, fit into and bought (for less than half price) size 8 jeans today.  SIZE 8 PEOPLE!!!!  Now, I realize that I'm not by any stretch a size 8 to the majority of the world but EB was showing me some love and I bought 2 pairs to show my appreciation!  Plus at $18 bucks for some quality denim... who would've turned it down anyway???

THEN, to make my afternoon just that much better.... I found some boots (in my size, that fit) for $10!!  Woohoo and happy shopping day to me!!!


Sybil said...

Yeah you!!! an 8 is AWESOME!!!!!!!

maxmom05 said...

THAT ROCKS! I went shopping today myself, after I dug my way of of the 36 inches of snow we had here...HA HA

Glad it was a Great day for you! Keep up the GREAT WORK!!!

Cindy L said...

Wow! That is great Julie!