Friday, March 25, 2011


I'm being slack in so many areas of my life that I am beginning to feel overwhelmed with the amount of stuff I need to do in order to catch up.  I'm in charge of, responsible for and obligated to too many things.  I know it, but I don't really think there's much I can do about it.  I obligate myself for fear that if I don't do it, it won't get done.  But in reality, because I'm doing it, a lot of my own stuff doesn't get done.  This is totally un-weight loss related, I'm just venting.

On the upside, I stood on the scale this morning (just for fun) and I'm down to my pre-Carson weight... 167!  Now on to pre-Jonah weight... many pounds away!  We passed pre-Caden weight a while back.

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