Sunday, January 23, 2011


this weekend has cruised by pretty uneventfully.  I've eaten respectably and sat at home for the most part.  We so rarely have a weekend when we don't have plans of some sort that I enjoy a good weekend of lounging and movie watching every now and again--of course, then I feel guilty for not getting anything done (like cleaning).  Tomorrow starts another work week which I hope means another couple pounds gone.  We've eaten out a lot this weekend--Liberty Steakhouse, Kimono Japanese, Mi Pueblo Mexican but I've left quite a bit of food on my plate everywhere we've been so I'm pretty happy about that.  I still have over a week until my next weigh-in and I'd like to be down at least a few more pounds from my weigh-in on the 15th.  Next Sunday will probably also bring my second dessert of the year... Carson's birthday cake!  I can't believe my littlest man is going to turn 1 on Thursday.  I'm sad that I won't quite be back to my pre-pregnancy weight on his birthday but at least I'll be closer than I was!

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