Saturday, January 15, 2011

Drum Roll Please...

Today is January 15... my first official weigh-in/measurement day!  Before I reveal my stats, let's review what the last couple of weeks have been like for me.  I've lived through PMS, TOM, a family reunion, a birthday party, two birthday dinners, 3 sets of leftover cupcakes and/or doughnuts and leftover chocolate pie, almost a week of snow days, and almost daily restaurant visits including Arby's, Wendy's, Mi Pueblo (x3), Moe's, Chili's, Five Guys, the Pizza Hut buffet (x2) and Little Richard's.  WOW.  So, I suppose I should feel like I failed on some level because I didn't always follow good dieting guidelines... but guess what?  I don't!  I ate reasonably more often than not, so when I devoured those tater tots, I knew it could have been a lot worse.  I didn't give up anything (except desserts) and I think I did pretty good overall.

So, onto the stats...  (old/new)

Weight:  182/176.6                           -5.4
Waist:  34in/32.25in                         -1.75in
Hips:  46in/44.5in                            -1.5in
Thighs:  R-- 28in/27in                     -1in    
              L-- 27.5in/26.5in               -1in
Chest: 39in/37.5in                           -1.5in                      

Yeah!  More than 5 pounds gone and almost 7 inches lost... not too shabby!  Could it have been more?  Probably, but I would have been hungrier, unhappier and more likely to lose control.

Now, lets take a moment and look at what I said I was going to do... and how well I am actually doing.

24 desserts for the year (1/24... I'm on track there!)
1/2 of what I would normally eat at any sit down meal not including breakfast. (I'm doing pretty good with this where home/school meals are concerned.  I'm still struggling greatly with this when it comes to restaurants)
More fruits and vegetables than not. (I've eaten a lot more than normal)
Healthy snacks--no more than 2 a day (I'm sticking to 1 snack as a general rule and it's been either a fruit or vegetable)
Water, always. (Definitely more water than not.  The only non-water drink I've had is Diet Coke and I've had it only a handful of times)
Eating only when I'm hungry. (Hunger comes fairly often so this one hasn't been a problem)
200 minutes of exercise a week (I've done more like 150, I think, and it wasn't generally on purpose or spread out... it's been mostly that I've been out and about on some given day and done more walking than normal.)
Weigh-ins/measurements only on the 1st and the 15th of the month. (Check!)

So, for a girl who's following a non-plan... I'm happy.  Not perfect, but happy!


Sybil Keesbury said...

Awesome work friend!!!! Yay!!!!!! :) I will do my measurements on Tuesday when I officially check in with Rachel! I am so proud of you!!!!!

Julie said...

Thanks!! I'm proud of me too!! Good luck on Tuesday!

I remembered in the shower that I also survived two trips to the Pizza Hut buffet and Five Guys... geez we eat out a lot!!