Monday, January 17, 2011

Little Changes

It amazes me what  a difference little changes make.  When I was devising my plan before the new year began, I gave some thought (and actually signed up online) to doing the Special K diet for 2 weeks to help me jumpstart my weight loss.  Six pounds in two weeks and a smaller jean size sounds like a great deal.  But after I created my Special K plan online, I realized that there was no way I would survive two weeks on nothing but cereal, protein shakes and bars (oh yes, and one sensible meal a day).  It isn't my style.  I need food... food that I actually like and have chosen.  But I'm finding it's the little things that are making all the difference.

Tuesday is pizza buffet night, no exceptions.  Now, I could make up reasons to not go or I could just refuse to go because I'm dieting but that would mean less time with my family and no pizza.  I really like pizza.  So I've made little changes.  I always eat a big salad when I go but when I get to the actual pizza, I choose the smallest slices instead of the biggest and I dump less pasta on my plate (and of course, I don't eat dessert).  Water is my automatic answer to "What would you like to drink" and when we go places like Subway, I still get the combo but trade my chips with Caden for his yogurt or apples (since Subway apparently no longer allows children to get chips or a cookie with their meal).  But what I think is making the most difference is skipping the random I'm-not-really-hungry-but-I-want-something-in-my-mouth binges.

I'm still working on finding a good, dedicated workout time.  I've never done well with this but I need to if I truly want to meet my goals.  I mean, what good is losing 25 pounds if it's all still flab?  I've considered doing the Couch to 5K program... but I haven't found a local 5K to work toward yet and I think I need that type of goal to get me going.

1 comment:

Sybil Keesbury said...

The 5k is what really got me going, it is what drove me! I am looking for another one to do this spring, as I do well when I have something to work toward!