Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Mondays suck.

Yes, I realize it is now Tuesday but if Mondays didn't suck, I would have the time to blog about it on Monday except then I wouldn't have anything to blog about because Mondays wouldn't suck!  :)

Anyway, Mondays are a downer--going back to work and all--but more than that, I feel bloated and gross all day.  It's like I have to get back in the swing of the dieting thing and my body is rebelling from less dieting over the weekend.  I did pretty well over the weekend and I am doing much better on the 1/2 part of my dieting "plan" but I still didn't do as well as I do during the week when I'm working AND I moved a whole lot less.  Perhaps its the moving and not the dieting that is making the difference during the week.  I don't know.  But yesterday I worked from 7:30-3:30 then went to the store.  I made it home around 4:30 and spent the next hour and a half on my feet in the kitchen starting dinner, loading the dishwasher, looking over homework, talking to the baby, etc.  We ate around 6 and by 6:30 I had the entire 8 and under population in the truck so I could pick up my mother and a cousin for scouts.  By the time I finished there (another hour on my feet) and got home and put the children in bed, it was 8:45.  I literally had not sat down (other than to eat) since 7:30.  Yikes.  The good news is, I suppose, is that it burns a lot more calories than sitting around and lounging on the couch as I did all weekend.

And here I go to do it all again... except today I have to battle a 2 hour staff development which means sitting on a hard round circle being bored out of my mind after teaching all day and then somehow I must survive the obligatory Pizza Hut buffet.  Did I mention that Tuesdays suck?

1 comment:

Sybil Keesbury said...

Mondays always suck for me too! Tuesday through Thursday are usually less sucky! :)