Monday, January 10, 2011

We're baaack...

So, here we go again... again.  I haven't posted since sometime in May of '09 and between then and now, quite a few things (and pounds) have happened.  I got pregnant (unexpectedly but happily), had a baby (who is now almost a year old), gained 60 pounds, lost 45 pounds and am now fluctuating within a 5 pound range that is at the least 10 pounds heavier than I was pre-baby #3.... YIKES!!

At the new year, I resolved to get back to it and I actually started another blog, to which I will post a link so you can catch up (if you choose) and so I don't have to repost everything I've already written.

However, I'm so thrilled to have my weight loss partner back--even if she is 6 hours away--and am happy to get back to this blog so that we can do this together... again, again.  :)


Sybil Keesbury said...

Good for us! No distance can keep us from achieving our goals!!! :)

Julie said...

You're right friend!! Can't wait to see where this road takes us!