Friday, December 12, 2008

Anniversary Food Angst

Well, considering that I've eaten two meals out today and that it's my 10th anniversary, I'm okay with what I've done today.  I've gone over by quite a bit but not nearly as much as I could have!  

And this is totally off subject... but my husband totally outdid himself and completely redeemed himself for canceling our DC trip... He rented the most gorgeous log cabin out by itself with a stream and a stone fireplace and real logs.... I could go on and on.  He's currently starting a fire and will very soon be getting some love from me...

Good night, all!

1 comment:

Sybil said...

Yeah Julie!!!! I am SO very proud of Cameron....I am also glad that your 10 year anniversary gets the celebration it deserves and that C went above and beyond!!! Don't worry about points or anything this weekend, just enjoy that magnificent husband of yours!!! You can make up the points when you get always remember the 35 extra ones....Have Fun Friend!!!!!!!