Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Kindergarten Homework Makes Me HUNGRY

So here I am, at the kitchen table watching my to-smart-for-his-own-good 5 year old do his Kindergarten homework.  He doesn't need my help and yet if I don't sit here he'll never get done... so I sit here, hungry, so close to food that I can't (or at least shouldn't eat).  At least I am truly hungry (says the rumbly in my tumbly) which is a feeling I haven't felt in a while.  I don't mind being hungry actually because it means for the first time in a very long time I haven't overeaten.

And now (of course) the Kindergarten homework turns to "Gregory, The Terrible Eater".  Ugh... so goes Day 2.  We're off to the pizza buffet in an hour and with it will come my first fabulous feeding test... wish me luck!

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