Monday, December 29, 2008

The Skinny Jean Experiment... Part Two

It's been almost three weeks since I tried on my "skinny" jeans.  Last night, they were hanging there in the bathroom and I decided to try again.  I knew there was no way they were going on because 1.  I've only lost 7 pounds, 2.  it was night and I was feeling bloated, and 3.  this week has not been my best effort (mainly because all I've done is sit on my butt).  But there they were and so I decided to try....

To my immense surprise, not only did I get them up but they button and zipped and I didn't even have to suck in.  I'm still not ready to wear them in public as they are still a bit snug in the thighs but I was thrilled that I got them up and done!

So, this lovely little story has a couple of happy outcomes... 1.  I now know that definite progress has been made and 2.  it motivates me to keep going.  Who knows, if January goes as well as December, I might need to go shopping for new "skinny" jeans to hang in the bathroom!!!

1 comment:

Sybil said...

WOOO-HOOOOOO!!! That is so great! Now I am even more motivated to get into my skinny jeans.....but have about 30 lbs more to go!!!