Sunday, December 7, 2008

C & M

Cookies and Mexican food... those were the things I worried about today.  And I am happy to report that I did not eat ANY cookies (including the ones I made last night) and I actually didn't end up eating Mexican because I had a meeting after church and ran out of time.  So I just finished an at home lunch of 0 point soup and a 3.5 point tuna melt.  I'm at 7.5 for the day so far and if I can hold it together through supper then I'll allow myself a cookie at the end of the day.  If I eat it fairly close to bedtime then I'll be able to resist the horrible temptation that comes with refined sugar for me!  

In another fun side note... I stepped on the scale this morning to make sure I am still on track and since it has now (almost) been a full week from our start date.  I am happy to report that the scale said I was almost 3 full pounds less than I was last Monday!  Now, I realize that weight fluctuates daily and all that but it made me feel better and motivated me to have a great day!  We'll see if it hold through till Friday...

1 comment:

Sybil said...

Yeah You!!!! After being so dissappointed on thursday I decided that I WILL NOT step on ANY scale until my weigh in day!