Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Potluck? More like Pot-belly...

As you might have guessed, the potluck dinner at church was nicht so gut.   I wasn't trying to do badly but if you've ever had the pleasure of going to a potluck, then you know that doing well is not really an option.  Yes, I could have done better... I could have chosen green beans or collard greens instead of the deviled egg and peanut brittle but honestly the majority of food (including what I took) was casserole-ish.  

So I had a piece of pork... not a bad start--but then I added:  sweet potato stuff (again, not horrible but the candied nuts on top probably ruined it), my mother's potato casserole (complete with corn flakes and cheese), and my contribution to the potluck... a thrown together, last minute macaroni, cheese and sloppy joe mixture, and oh yes, a deviled egg.  And then, of course, came dessert.  A piece of peanut brittle and a little individual pie filled with something that I can only liken to the syrup in a pecan pie (minus the pecans).  As best I can figure (considering that I didn't take a great deal of anything), I consumed my entire day's worth of points.  I'm hoping that I over-estimated because I'd rather over than under.  Regardless, I went over my allotted points by 8.5 today... thank God that WW allows 35 "extra" points per week or I'd be sunk.

Weigh in for me is Friday morning... but first I have to make it through tomorrow's fried chicken and potato salad meal at school... ugh.


Sybil said...

Take the skin off the chicken and only do a small amount of potato salad and you will be fine!!!!
I have FAITH in you!!!!

Julie said...

Thanks... but the skin on the chicken is the best part :( I'll do it though.